Investing in Movement for NL Communities

CFNL is excited to participate in this year’s Kia Communities in Motion. With a commitment to fostering inclusivity and innovation, Kia Communities in Motion continues to empower communities nationwide. In partnership with Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), Kia Communities in Motion is a grassroots initiative that supports local projects that are building inclusive communities through innovative programming that encourages movement. Learn more about the program here

Each year, five community foundations from across the country are selected to utilize their deep understanding of community needs to guide granting for the program. This year, two projects were funded with $22,125 each in Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Mokami Status of Women Council & End Sexual Violence NL: Fireweed Counselling Collective—This project aims to fulfill the dream of creating a more supportive environment for gender-based violence survivors in Labrador by providing specialized training and support to mental health practitioners. The project is grounded in the collaborative ethos of the Labrador Cares Coalition, where collective care serves as the creative backbone.

Trans Support NL: TransEmpowerNL: Advocacy Collective—Through skill-building workshops, networking events, and grants for local initiatives, the project aims to empower trans and gender-diverse participants, fostering community connections and equipping them to confidently self-advocate.